Detect System Theme in Emacs

Since I’m using MacOS again for the work, and obviously, I still use Emacs, I wanted to have a functionality which would detect which system theme is being used and load the correct one during Emacs startup. Previously, I have hacked together just a simple script which depended on GTK theme. Basically, If command returns string Adwaita, load light theme, if it returns Adwaita-dark, load dark theme. Later I learned that this might not be the good approach at all, even more so since GNOME developed concept of having Dark and Light theme....

August 28, 2022 · 2 min · Ivan Tomica

Spicing up main desktop

Yesterday I decided to give Cinnamon a try on my main desktop. My main desktop runs Fedora 33 Workstation edition and I have been fully enjoying GNOME on it. It is modern, simple, and yet, quite fast on my machine. So, why the change? Things got boring. This is great on machine that has to be rock-solid, and Fedora Workstation edition has been just that for me over the years (ever since Fedora Next - around release version 20)....

January 16, 2021 · 2 min · Ivan Tomica

Installing POP!_OS GTK theme on Fedora 33

It has been mentioned in the comments of the older version of this article that the build process no longer works so I’ve decided, instead of updating old article, to write a new one. Reason for the failed build is the fact that the build requirements changed, as well as the build commands. It seems that for building the theme, PopOS crew transitioned to using Meson. Let’s first install all of the requirements:...

November 13, 2020 · 1 min · Ivan Tomica

GNOME Shell freezes on log out

So I’ve been battling with this issue for quite some time now. Every time I try to log out of Gnome Shell it simply freezes for anywhere between 10 and 30 seconds or so. This has been grinding my gears and finally I’ve stumbled upon this reddit post. And you know what? Turns out they are right! Removing Caffeine extension immediately resolves this issue.

September 29, 2017 · 1 min · Ivan Tomica

Installing POP!_OS GTK theme on Fedora

Install sassc which is a dependency for building assets: sudo dnf install sassc Clone GIT repository: git clone Switch directory and build the themes: cd pop-gtk-theme make make assets Finally, install the themes: sudo make install You need root privileges for that as themes get installed to /usr/share/themes directory.

September 1, 2017 · 1 min · Ivan Tomica