Replace StatefulSet With Deployment in Kubernetes

Introduction For the past few months, I’ve been on a journey of moving all of my self-hosted stuff into kubernetes in order to learn it better. During this time I have also deployed a bunch of new apps in order to replace some of the hosted solutions I used prior to this in hope to save some money on the subscriptions, and with time, to reinvest in my home lab further....

May 21, 2024 · 7 min · Ivan Tomica

Persistent storage in Kubernetes

When I first heard of K8s few years back, storing persistent data on top of it was as forbidden topic, and something you shouldn’t really do. Things have evolved since then, technology improved, but mostly a need for persistent storage increased as we migrated more and more apps to the K8s. Storing persistent data in applications can be achieved in a myriad of ways, and with the advent of microservices, emphasis has been on moving application state outside of the application itself (and its local filesystem directory) and to use some external service such as:...

October 30, 2023 · 11 min · Ivan Tomica

Haproxy and Cert Manager as Kubernetes Entrypoint

As noted in the previous article on this blog, in the next episode of the “Self-Hosted Kubernetes Adventures” sitcom, I’ll explain how I configured HAProxy as an Ingress Controller, and how I issue TLS certificates within the cluster using cert-manager. I’ll also mention some plans for the future, because future is always more exciting than the past. When you deploy a pod into the cluster, it gets assigned with its own networking component....

September 20, 2023 · 9 min · Ivan Tomica

Self Hosted Kubernetes

Over the years I have dabbled with Kubernetes on-and-off a bit, and mostly learned theoretical stuff surrounding it. I also managed and deployed few of the EKS based clusters on AWS at work, so I know certain operational things as well. To be honest, I haven’t really done any “cool and amazing” things with it. Those were mostly bare Amazon EKS setups, no ArgoCD or something fancy like that. Fanciest things I managed were Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and AWS ALB ingress controller on those clusters....

September 20, 2023 · 7 min · Ivan Tomica