My Vim configuration

Although recently I’ve switched most of my workflow into the Emacs ? I still edit things here and there in Vim. Vim doesn’t have many nice and fancy features enabled by default, but that’s OK, I like it light. But not so light… soo… this post will show configuration options I have stacked throughout the years by using Vim and explanation of some. Recently to have NerdTree enabled I’ve added Pathogen which is loaded by...

June 9, 2019 · 3 min · Ivan Tomica

(Re)Wrap text in vim

Since I try to use vi/vim editor for almost everything related to editing text and I use it for writing emails too. I use mutt with vim as my text editor but I also have it set up in a way that it wraps text on 80th column: set editor='vim -c "set textwidth=80" -c "set wrap"' That’s great, and works great… except when you all of the sudden remember to write something in the middle of existing text, then it all falls apart....

June 16, 2016 · 1 min · Ivan Tomica