Relearn GPG key fingerprint

My GPG setup consists of two Yubikey keys, each holding same set of keys in its internal storage. Reason behind this is that keys can’t be exported from the Yubikey (at least you shouldn’t be able to do that). There’s also the PIN protecting the usage of those keys. There are also additional security mechanisms making this setup quite more secure than keeping GPG key directly on the machine, but that’s beyond the scope of this article....

August 7, 2021 · 3 min · Ivan Tomica

Fedora Yubikey GPG-Agent scdaemon issues

Background I use GPG for encrypting various things locally on my machines. Things like .authinfo.gpg which gets sourced by Emacs and things like that. In past I’ve used it even more when I was actively using Password Store as my password manager. But not to go too much into off-topic, let’s talk about the issue that’s been plaguing me ever since Fedora 33 and how I, finally, solved it. My GPG keys are saved on Yubikey (2 copies) which acts as a smart card....

August 6, 2021 · 3 min · Ivan Tomica