Hosting Hugo website using Azure Static Web Apps

It has been almost an year since I finished my last project hosted on Azure so I thought it was time to experiment with it a bit and catch-up on “new” services I haven’t yet tried. One of those services was Azure Static Web Apps. Similar to any other Azure service, this one bundles everything one might need for hosting static web app and a bit more in a single service....

January 3, 2024 · 7 min · Ivan Tomica

Creating new Hugo article from within Emacs

This is a short function I crafted recently to create a new Hugo article from within the Emacs. Until now, each time I wanted to create a new article, I had to spawn eshell and run hugo new command from there. In essence, it is really a dumb function, and has no notion of hugo commands, templates, structure, or anything for that matter. It assumes my own post structure and just inserts hard-coded template into appropriate place for my site....

October 26, 2023 · 2 min · Ivan Tomica

Hugo - Build and Deploy Using Github Actions

As you probably know, this website is based on an amazing static website generator Hugo. I’ve been more than happy ever since I switched to it more than two years ago. In the beginning, I deployed website directly from my local machine to the S3 and then invalidated Cloudfront cache as described in the article. This has been working well, but I had to automate it. Website is in Git and sometimes when I’d do something to it I would build and deploy the website, but sometimes forget to push to Git (as we all do, right?...

September 2, 2023 · 3 min · Ivan Tomica

Comments on This Site

Ever since I started this website I’ve some kind of way to leave a comment on the article, with a brief exception when I turned off the comments and then shortly turned them on again. In the beginning I used built-in system in Wordpress, then switched to Disqus, and at last decided to switch to Commento self-hosted system. Just when I switched to Commento, it seems that it became unmaintained, because at this point there have not been any updates for over 2 years....

August 28, 2023 · 2 min · Ivan Tomica